Tomorrow will be my one month mark. I wanted to write this final blog post for my family, friends, supporters, and donators who made this past year possible. Without you guys, I literally would not have been able to complete this year. I am very grateful for this experience and am walking away with a lot of new memories and lessons to reflect on.
I think about Namibia on a daily basis, especially my learners. By supporting me through this process you have helped them just as much as I have. They often like to refer to my friends and family as "angels." They are precious.
Being presented my traditional Oshiwambo Meme dress by my Principal at my colleague going away party
I would like to end this blog with an Oshikwanyama proverb, "Okuyandja okutulika," which literally means to give is to save. In giving, you also receive. Corny, but I love it.
I can not thank you enough :) I am happy to be home!!
P.S. I would be happy to show anyone pictures if interested!
Bridget!! I was just reading through your posts again, and was laughing my head off at some of the things your learners have done! I'm sure you are missing them, and still reflecting on your experiences in Namibia. I am so proud of you and all that you have boldly accomplished. You are such a gift to all that are fortunate to have you in their lives. I love you, and am happy to have you home!!!!!!