Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Typical Day in Okalongo

I want to apologize ahead of time for the multiple posts I will soon be posting. I have had terrible internet service and the posts have just been building up. Many people have asked what my typical day is like so I am going to describe my day to day schedule in Okalongo.
4:30 AM - The first alarm goes off for the learners. As I described before, the bell is very obnoxious and I often jump out of my bed upon hearing it.
5:30 AM - I roll out of bed.
6:20 AM - I am out the door before the sun rises.
6:30 AM - On Mondays and Fridays, we have a school assembly. The entire school meets outside underneath the flag pole and they sing the national anthem, followed by morning prayer. On Tuesday and Thursday, we have staff meetings.
7:00AM-13:48 PM - Classes are in session. At around 10:00 AM we have a tea break when the teachers chose to eat their breakfasts and the learners go to the cafeteria for tea. I do not have classes the full 7 hours so during my open periods I sit in the staff room. I usually read and then get asked a zillion questions about my Nook or I lesson plan for the next day. This week I was the test subject for the new school camera. I think there is at least 30 pictures of me on that camera by now in all different poses: standing up, sitting down, smiling, pretending to read, etc.
13:48-14:30 PM - Lunch Break. I go home and make myself lunch. Lately, I have been eating these really good samoosas I found.
14:30 PM - I return to the office for afternoon study. Learners are allowed to change out of their uniforms and then they return to the classroom to do their homework. Teachers are supposed to lesson plan and prepare for the next day, but typically everyone sits on the front steps and chats.
16:00 PM - I return home for the day. Learners go back to the classroom at 19:00 after dinner for evening study. I will eventually be on duty for this and have to supervise the classrooms, but for now I am usually not needed after 5. I have newspaper and debate meetings at 19:00 if they decide to have a meeting that day.
Typically after I am done for the day, I walk through Okalongo. The village is situated directly behind the school and it is great place to think. It is very easy to get lost in the windy trails though and provides many great hiding spots for snakes. For these reasons, I only walk that way before dusk. If I need to get groceries, I take a trip into Oshakati which requires getting a hike and usually ends up in an adventure. Colleagues often knock on my door at night asking to look at my American movies. They are all very interested in American movies and television shows and come to ask my opinion on their favorites. If there is a day when I am missing the States, I watch an episode or two of a television show that reminds me of home and I am set. I have already gotten into the routine of village life as they say and start getting ready for bed at 21:00. The schedule revolves around the sun here. People wake up with the sun and go out in the fields. When the sun goes down, many people do not have electricity meaning no light. This does not permit them to do any more work and they instead go to bed early. Hence, village life: the routine my body has gotten used to. That has been my typical day so far in Okalongo, Namibia. I am happy to say I am definitely in the swing of things now :)


  1. What were the final choices for American movies and tv shows you took? I'd love to hear what they are loving...
    The area by your school sounds amazing. Happy you have a thinking-peaceful place to give you a break from everything that is going on. Happy to hear you are in the swing of things. Please use sunscreen :) love you!

  2. Such hectic days! Are the learners productive throughout such long days of study? Glad to hear that both your body and mind have found a routine there in Okalongo! Thanks for keeping us updated, it is so interesting to hear what you are up to each day! So proud of you!
